What is the truth about the emotions you may experience as the Partner of a Sex Addict?
Addiction can be a lonely road, not only for the one with the addiction but for the partner, too. After all, due to the nature of addiction, it takes priority over everything else in life. As a result, partners often experience a wide range of emotions. If you are a partner of a sex addict, you may know this all too well. You may feel like you're on an emotional roller coaster, and the ride just won't end.
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We know sex addiction is a dangerous and destructive addiction. However, what we may not know is just how difficult it can be to be married to a sex addict. For this reason, we want to talk about some of the emotions you may experience as the spouse of a sex addict. While this may not help with your heartache, it may help normalize your experience.
Let's talk about sex addiction. We'll also discuss emotions you may encounter as a partner of a sex addict.
Sex addiction may seem hard to define. After all, what's normal behavior for one may be excessive to another. So what occurs that makes it possible to identify the behaviors as an addiction?
First, like all addictions, the behaviors begin to take over certain aspects of life. Thoughts and fantasies begin to interrupt work, family time, and other daily activities. As a result, the addiction starts to interfere with everyday life. Another indicator is when the behaviors become excessive and the urges to act upon thoughts are overpowering. In other words, you try and stop, but you can't. Finally, it's likely a sex addiction when the consequences of the behaviors are severe but continue despite the risks.
This is where you, as a partner of a sex addict, can really suffer emotionally. Your spouse may tell you, "never again," but then they do. It's the painful reality of addiction. Likewise, without intervention, the cycle is likely to continue. So, what about you? How do you maintain normalcy when you're dealing with shock, grief, anger, or hopelessness? Is there hope for happiness if your partner is a sex addict?
Robert Biswas-Diener
There are many reasons why being a partner of a sex addict is difficult. For many, the addiction itself is something they never imagined would be the culprit behind such a betrayal. Discovering your partner is a sex addict can leave you in a state of shock and disbelief. As a result, you may be experiencing negative emotions like extreme anger and resentment. You may even develop symptoms of betrayal trauma.
Next, you may be experiencing feelings of grief and loss. For example, you may be grieving the loss of trust. You may feel heavy grief over the new reality you're now facing and the loss of a sense of normalcy. Likewise, you may feel debilitating sadness. As you walk through these difficult emotions, you may find yourself feeling alone or misunderstood.
Another common emotion is hopelessness. The grip of sex addiction is a difficult one to break free from. As such, you may be working toward repairing your relationship, only to find the behaviors continue. This can leave you feeling hopeless about healing or recovery.
Being married to a sex addict can be a very difficult, lonely road to walk down. The good news is, you don't have to do this alone.
At NOVA Counseling, we understand the challenges you and your partner may face. We specialize in sex addiction and betrayal trauma treatment. As such, we may be able to help both of you move toward healing and recovery. We'd love to talk to you, call us today.
Heidi Erickson specializes in betrayal trauma. She has experience working with partners of sex and pornography addicts and partners dealing with trauma from affairs. Heidi is passionate about addressing the specific needs of trauma unique to sexual and relational betrayal. Heidi works with partners of all addicts including chemical addictions and other process addictions.
Heidi Barr Erickson
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Moon Township, PA 15108
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